October 7th, 2024
10/7/24 3:19 PM PST - Finally updated some of the ui graphics to make it look better. Happy Susctopus day!
August 21st, 2024
8/21/24 12:17 AM PST - Added trainvev section to the about me page
August 18th, 2024
8/18/24 11:30 PM PST - Redid the about me page, part 1. More updates soon.
July 28th, 2024
7/28/24 7:00 PM PST - Updated the socials on the socials page. Some links dont work anymore, so I cleaned them out. I also added a few links, such as my Steam and my music collective channel. I know the Tracle page doesn't work anymore, but I'm keeping the link there for archival purposes if you wanna put the link into Wayback Machine.
May 25th, 2024
5/25/24 6:36 PM PST - I have added a lot of assets to the website. Changed website background, banner, and added graphics. Currently, I am still trying to fix some bugs with the site.
March 11th, 2024
3/11/24 1:55 PM PST - I added an archive button at the bottom of the website! You can now see the front page as it was back in previous years!
March 10th, 2024
3/10/24 2:15 PM PST - New layout!!! Thank you to my girlfriend for her help on this! I will change the assets soon.
March 7th, 2024
3/7/24 4:44 PM PST - Edited the socials bar to stop when the mouse is hovering over it.
March 2nd, 2024
3/2/24 2:04 PM PST - sorry i was too lazy to edit the website for a few months there
November 10th, 2023
11/10/23 3:55 PM PST - happy halloween new banner
September 5th, 2023
9/5/23 10:43 PM PST - Updated all of the pfps in the socials page, removed the link to ch5.
September 3rd, 2023
9/3/23 2:57 AM PST - New banner, new project.
July 26th, 2023
7/26/23 11:52 PM PST - Happy anniversary of the website! It is unironically crazy how much I have learned more and more about html and css from myself with no help. I remember constantly trying to ask for help and then being ignored, only to do the research and work myself for an entire night and make the website that is seen today. Updated the banner, I think it turned out pretty nice for my artistic capabilities, and I hope you enjoy whatever I make in the coming years!
July 25th, 2023
7/25/23 10:?? AM PST -
May 23rd, 2023
5/23/23 2:40 PM PST - Minor changes.
May 10th, 2023
5/10/23 6:47 PM PST - Decided to change the position of the susctopus website logo to the left.
5/10/23 6:43 PM PST - Fixed a graphical zoom bug at 1440p. Thank fuck.
5/10/23 6:20 PM PST - Fixed all of the errors from the source code of the main page!
5/10/23 6:16 PM PST - Updated the socials pfps, New website banner, added a backgroudn to the changelog page :3333333333 are you guys proud of me
5/10/23 4:33 PM PST - I have fixed a lot of the website issues from 1440p to 1080p. I have also updated the cat graphic!
5/10/23 1:27 AM PST - A lot of the assets are remade. RIP Main website graphic that has been there since 2021.
April 7th, 2023
4/7/23 5:57 PM PST - Updated the About Me page.
4/7/23 5:10 PM PST - Replaced the background image and the banner.
February 16th, 2023
2/16/23 10:08 PM PST - I started to rehaul the site. I tried moving everything neatly into one box but it's still unfinished. I removed a lot of things but thats alright, the cats only got moved to a separate page. I also added more badges at the bottom. The graphics are still unfinished. This is hell.
February 3rd, 2023
2/3/23 5:07 PM PST - new banner
January 24th, 2023
1/24/23 7:42 PM PST - I added a badge collection! :3 These are some badges i found and collected for my website.
January 16th, 2023
1/16/23 6:06 PM PST - New background, added socials button, replaced the patreon graphic with a donate button, switched art and about me.
January 12th, 2023
1/12/23 6:09 PM PST - Updated the page a little bit to look more like the updated index page. Finally fitted the pus in the box :3
January 9th, 2023
1/9/23 1:07 PM PST - Added code to make certain links on the main page open on a new tab.
1/9/23 12:51 PM PST - New layout!!! I finally figured out some CSS, and am going to actively update the site with more things. I have remapped the layout of the main page, making things more compatible with resolutions more than 16:9 1440p. The site does work well in 1080p and currently am working to make it look bearable on mobile devices. I will update the graphics soon, I am still working on the revamp of the main page. i just worked today on condensing everything down, and utilizing the CSS page. Everything form the old page still works i think. I also decided to start using the new socials page, since I dont want to deal with the backgrounding issue now, and it looks good enough. :DDD
1/9/23 9:33 AM PST - Fixed every problem with the index page. I know enough to fix my problems now :3
January 7th, 2023
1/7/23 11:07 AM PST - I am nearly finished with the socials page, and I gotta say I am for once proud of what I did to this page. Most of the pages and links work by now, I just gotta figure out how to change the backgrounds to each page. I also forgot to mention that I worked on the 404 page, but I dont think that is currently working right now. I also made this page accessible from clicking the "Changelog" text since my browser doesnt want ot update the outlinks of the main page. Anyways, enjoy!
1/7/23 2:18 AM PST - Happy New Year 2023!!! Big changes to the site are coming. Changed the banner, updated the recent videos and tweets and projects, Replaced the changes box to link it directly to this page, no more needing to put the changelog twice! I am currently working on a new layout for the socials page! Literally, I spent like 4 or 5 hours grabbing code from other other sites and study what they do just to make this actually work. Coding is no joke. If you want to check out the unfinished page, go to So far, only the YouTube page is coded in properly. Doing this shit with no help makes me feel like a fucking incel.
December 5th, 2022
12/5/22 11:39 AM PST - Thank you for 800 Subcribers! updated the site a little
October 20th, 2022
10/20/22 12:16 AM PST - Updated the current uploads and tweets, new banner, and also a secret change.
August 8th, 2022
8/8/22 3:03 AM PST - I added 2 more cats, adjusted the speeds more accurately.
8/8/22 1:29 AM PST - These embeds are fun, I embedded my twitter, vidlii, and even my own website :D
8/8/22 1:08 AM PST - Added an embed to the "Recent Video" section instead of a link to it :)))))
August 7th, 2022
8/7/22 11:07 PM PST - Added a "Current Project" section, added a box around the copyright.
8/7/22 10:51 PM PST - I finally figured out how to make boxes in html!!! (css is very hard) I have heavily changed the socials page, including updating the pfps and adding a page to go back to the main page.
8/7/22 6:52 PM PST - Happy 1 Year anniversary to the website! I have missed the exact date because I thought the creation date was this month. I have updated the banner, added a patreon button and graphic, and changed a few more things. Thank you for visiting the site!!!
March 5th, 2022
3/5/22 11:44 AM PST - Updated the links to the socials page.
3/5/22 11:30 AM PST - I made a ton of new changes to the site, including the addition of an About Me page, and a Recent Upload section! I have also moved the socials section, added another image to the funny images section, directed my art page to the twitter account, changed the banner, and made the background darker to make it look better. If anyone knows how to create an official art page, let me know. I kind of wanted to make it like Funamuseas art page.
January 8th, 2022
1/8/22 10:37 PM PST - Happy New Year 2022! Changed the main page background, added a head banner, changed the two images near the bottom
November 27th, 2021
11/27/21 9:45 PM PST - Added to the layout of the socials page
October 30th, 2021
10/30/21 5:52 PM PST - Added Patreon link (pls donate)
August 20th, 2021
8/20/21 4:51 AM PST - Moved majority of the changelog to a new page
8/20/21 4:40 AM PST - Added gangster spongebob
8/20/21 4:28 AM PST - Redone the socials button
8/20/21 4:06 AM PST - Revamped the cat system >:)
8/20/21 3:51 AM PST - Changed background again
August 14th, 2021
8/14/21 1:33 AM PST - Changed background
August 13th, 2021
8/13/21 11:01 PM PST - Added another cat :3
8/13/21 10:51 PM PST - Updated the website graphic
July 14th, 2021
7/14/21 2:14 AM PST - Added more cats :))))
7/14/21 1:52 AM PST - Added a cat :)
7/14/21 1:27 AM PST - Added a custom Susctopus logo for the website, made "official website" rainbow, added scrolling text, added a container to the changelog.
July 11th, 2021
7/11/21 5:01 PM PST - Added more custom buttons to my socials, centered the website, added a background image
July 6th, 2021
7/6/21 9:34 PM PST - Added a favicon
7/6/21 7:31 PM PST - Added a button to my discord server, changed font to Times New Roman, Fixed Twitch link
7/6/21 5:56 PM PST - Added More links, fixed minor list bug
7/6/21 5:25 PM PST - Fixed Oversized Gif
7/6/21 5:19 PM PST - Added Changelog
7/6/21 3:49 PM PST - Site Creation Date
Story of Undertale